DIY Realty | A Texas Real Estate Brokerage

Fort Worth, Texas 100% Realtor Commission Plans

Fort Worth Agent Benefits

Broker Access

Easily reach your broker! Contact Shane Bagwill anytime at (817) 755-0383.

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Our agents are the first point of contact for DIY sellers who buy again.

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Business Card

Receive complimentary branded business cards.

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Gain access to investment, leads, and marketing webinars.

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Let our partners connect the IDX feed to your site or set it up for you.

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E&O Insurance Paid For

We've got your back with covered E&O insurance, allowing you to focus on your business.

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Simplify your business with our electronic signature software.

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Advanced CRM Follow Up

Stay top of mind with our advanced CRM and past client campaign.

Newer Agent?

We've crafted a plan just for you.

Reach out via call or text to discuss!


The Investor

$ 0
  • Keep 80% of your commissions
  • We Partner On Investments
  • Warm Leads Provided

The Starter

$ 0
  • Residential Sale: $500
  • Lease: $50
  • Commercial Sale: $500

The Pro

$ 250
  • Residential Sale: $250
  • Lease: $25
  • Commercial Sale: $250
Best Value

The Expert

$ 450
  • 100% Commission
  • Keep it all!


$ 450
  • $450 up to 2
  • $100 for each after
  • Commercial Sale: $300

Fort Worth Agents

Why Choose Us

The Texas real estate landscape is evolving rapidly, and traditional brokerages no longer meet the needs of Realtors. If you’re a DIY enthusiast, you’re in the right place!
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